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Another game-breaking bug in the "humanworld" room has been reported.

Until the bug is fixed, refrain from using multiple berries on the fallen red man, as not to trigger it. Expect a v3 tomorrow.

tomorrow... 3 years later and still V2!

(1 edit)

While playing the game, I encountered a bug in the level after the phone call and the television fading out, causing the game to crash. (fairly early in the game.) I really hope this gets resolved. 

Otherwise. I see a lot of potential in this game and I am really looking forward to playing more of it! 

Thanks heyimandrew!

I'll look into it right away. Is there any more info you can give?

An error has ocurred. please contact the game author for support, as this is likely to be a scripting error and not a bug in AGS. 

(ACIversion in "room21.asc", 

Error:Animate object: object has not been assigned a view

Stan2016, you are an ABSOLUTE LEGEND. I'll stomp this bug right away.

Thx, no problem.